Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Comment on C.A.'s Blog


I happened on your blog almost by chance. I was reading my sister’s blog, and, not really knowing what it would do, clicked “next blog,” which took me to a random blog – “Bill’s Thoughts,” I think. There I read one of his posts and one of your comments on his post. From there I went to your blog. And honestly I’ve spent the most time here because, well, it was the most interesting for me to read.

Let me tell you straight out that I am... well, let’s just say I’m not atheist. I grew up in a non-atheist home and have always centered my life around the things I learned growing up. As of now, I am not very old, nor am I qualified to expound on Biblical doctrine. However, as I continued to read, it fascinated me to realize I had answers to many, if not all, of your rhetorical questions.

So, although I’m sure you are probably not interested in my thoughts/opinions/beliefs, I just wanted you to know that, while your blog has got to be a lot of fun for you to write, and while it is a lot of fun for me to read, it has affected my beliefs probably about as little as reading the Bible again has affected yours... not that that was your purpose. I just found it interesting that you and I can both be so certain of such opposite things.


P.S. If you ever did want to discuss some of these things, I would be open to it! I’m just not so good with the blogging.


  1. To find C.A.'s original post and my original comment:

  2. Feb 10, 2012 06:09 AM

    Hi Someone Else. I am always interested in opinion, even when they conflict with my own. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject. I also hope you'll visit again and I'm very, very happy that you were interested in my blog and left a message. Feel free to visit any time. :)
